Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tomcat Application Server What Is The Purpose Of A Java Application Server?

What is the purpose of a Java Application Server? - tomcat application server

I understand the purpose to set up a real physical server, the applications are running, but this is more of a thing. It appears that a variety of Java software applications can be classified as application servers, including Tomcat and GlassFish needs. What is the purpose of these programs?


Anonymous said...

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Marco said...

The purpose of an application server is to basic services that are necessary for most applications.

For example, most applications use more than one connection to a database must be done. But making connections is expensive, so instead of creating a new connection every time it is better to have a pool of connections that an application without a connection to have. Thus, the combination of database sharing a basic service that is provided by an application server.

Other services include: security, logging, monitoring, performance management, and Managementt every transaction.

geonauti... said...

In principle, supports the server, the J2EE container such as Tomcat, GlassFish, JBoss, WebLogic (Oracle) WebLogic (IBM), and others. Apache HTTP Server is not compatible with J2EE can not run servlets, Web services or other J2EE components. Hope this helps.

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