Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good Program To Grab Windows Xp Key Why Won't My Windows XP Home Serial Number Work?

Why won't my Windows XP Home serial number work? - good program to grab windows xp key

I had to reformat my hard drive, and I register my serial number for my PC. I reinstalled Windows XP Home SP2, but the program says that the serial number is invalid. I turn to a different serial number, tried, and said: That is correct. I know that at least one of them right.

Is it necessary that Windows XP SP1? I think that only the serial numbers issued Windows Home SP2 before work only works with SP1 and the serial numbers issued after the release of Service Pack 2, only with SP2. What do you think?


scherzkm said... ...
Have a Certificate of Authenticity with the number of Windows XP installation CD in it?

If yes MS Phone

scherzkm said... ...
Have a Certificate of Authenticity with the number of Windows XP installation CD in it?

If yes MS Phone

gangster... said...

Hello, yes ur good if you will work with the product key ur Home SP2 to SP2 when it works only with Service Pack 1 in Service Pack 1 and so forth comes. If the product key is used a real insurance UR UR u then perhaps the number of time-or early May. I suggest calling Microsoft or get up and do the phone activation. Can she do to u.
Good luck!

gangster... said...

Hello, yes ur good if you will work with the product key ur Home SP2 to SP2 when it works only with Service Pack 1 in Service Pack 1 and so forth comes. If the product key is used a real insurance UR UR u then perhaps the number of time-or early May. I suggest calling Microsoft or get up and do the phone activation. Can she do to u.
Good luck!

cobo6 said...

What would you say is the product key .... Labels must be a blue / green .... on the computer with this code

Tiff B. said...

You can use most Windows XP and Microsoft Windows XP before you can download a limited number of times and then you have to call and get a new product key number. But I can tell you what to do: When you turn the page to save your product key number for the number and certainly will not work, but that's what you need to do to get a new one, you will say to obtain the number of P-Key by phone, click on it and if the site of its new P-key number in your country will ask you what is and click on it and also be a number and call in 1800 invited to give a series of numbers on this page and after you give your number.

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